lavender and red Sunflower Project logo

Kristin Beltaos lends her expertise to nonprofits with The Sunflower Project, offering pro bono services to make organizations and the world bloom brighter!

Kristin Beltaos is all about giving back, and that's why she founded The Sunflower Project!

It's a powerhouse initiative that allows nonprofits to skyrocket their potential. Imagine a lucky organization getting a whopping 60 hours of pro bono magic – that's some serious organizational development, marketing expertise, and hands-on execution, all for free! And the best part? Four nonprofits get to bask in this opportunity every single year!

But hold on, it's not all fun and games.

Organizations must come prepared with a solid business or strategic plan to join The Sunflower Project.

Both parties will seal the deal with an Expectations and Terms Agreement and Non-Disclosure Agreement right from the get-go. A quarter is enough time to do some mighty things!

yellow and red sunflower icon
members of a nonprofit organizing donations

How Do I Sign Up?

Down below! Just fill out the quick application, and remember to dazzle me with your organization's story and why you're ready to soak up all the sunshine from The Sunflower Project!


Quarter 3

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Monday, July 1, 2024

Quarter 4

September 22, 2024

September 30, 2024

yellow and red sunflower project icon

Why is it called The Sunflower Project?

I've always gravitated to sunflowers for their ability to flourish in adversity, like challenging climates and weather. They're the epitome of resilience, digging deep to find reserves, rising and thriving high above challenges, and always wearing a sunny smile that mirrors their unwavering pursuit of the sun.

This resilience isn't just a personal trait; it's the essence of what nonprofits aspire to achieve daily.

In nature's graceful ballet, the sunflower turns,
A golden guardian, as the daylight burns.

Its face, a portrait of the sun's loving gaze,
A radiant ode to the sun's celestial blaze.

With each gentle arc of the sun's daily flight,
The sunflower follows, from morning into night.

A dance of devotion, a botanical embrace,
As it sways and reaches, with elegant grace.

This waltz with the sun, is a story told,
Of nature's allure, in hues of yellow and gold.

A mesmerizing spectacle, a sight to behold,
As the sunflower follows, a tale of beauty untold.

~ Kristin Beltaos

dance of the sunflower

Since the 4th Quarter of 2021, Kristin's volunteerism has made an imprint.

* Numbers are as of 03/31/24

red and white Sunflower Project Logo

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